Never Worry About Using Your Bank Card Again Thanks to This Manicure Trend

A cutting-edge manicure revolutionizes the way we pay for purchases, eliminating the need for physical bank cards. Developed by technology company Smart Chip, this innovative nail art allows users to make payments by simply waving their fingernail at a contactless card machine in stores.
The device, priced at £13, securely stores the owner’s bank card details and is paired with a mobile app for seamless transactions. With this high-tech manicure, individuals can shop at supermarkets, grab a drink at the pub, or make purchases even if they forget their wallet, phone, cash, or smartwatch.
This groundbreaking nail technology has been showcased at a pop-up salon, where customers can experience the convenience and ease of a cashless payment system.
With the rise of contactless payment options, the future of shopping and transactions may be at our fingertips – quite literally.